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8.8 Healthy Supplements & Protein Products National Day Sales

You’ll Love Shopping for Amazing National Day Deals During WellbeingSG’s 8.8 Sale!

National Day 2024 is just around the corner! This means two things – celebrating our nation’s birthday and enjoying fantastic promotions during WellbeingSG’s 8.8 National Day Sales.

WellbeingSG embody patriotic spirit through our National Day offers. From health supplements that support your well-being to protein products that enhance muscle strength, you’ll find the best National Day deals from your favorite brands when shopping with us. Relax and unwind with an 8% discount on selected products during our 8.8 National Day Sale, and enjoy $8 Cashback for every $60 spent, to use on your next purchase!

Don’t Miss Out on Offers from Your Favorite Brands This National Day 2024

Feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of deals available? Don’t worry, we’ve got some top picks for exclusive online National Day Sales deals and offers that you won’t want to miss!

(8.8 National Day Sales) Emco – Protein Bar 

Emco is a family business situated in beautiful countryside outside Prague in the heart of Europe. Ever since it was established in 1990 it has been managed by family members who put their passion and dedication into producing natural healthy Emco products.

Junsines – Protein Cookies (8.8 National Day Sales)

Made right here in New Zealand, Justine’s products are high in fiber, and all are ultra-low carb. We have you covered to meet your dietary needs. All products are keto friendly, made with no added sugar and are Halal certified.


Efamol – Omega 3 & 6 Fish Oil support brain functions (8.8 National Day Sales)

The Efamol fish oil used is of superior standard and is harvested from sustainable stocks. Our unique Rigel Evening Primrose is grown to our specification in the Netherlands and New Zealand by the same growers we have used for the last 40 years.

Enzymedica (8.8 National Day Sales)

For over 24 years Enzymedica has been leading the way with scientifically backed digestive enzymes and health supplements that are proven to help your body digest food better and improve overall digestive health.

With a focus on purity and quality Enzymedica has won numerous awards and earned a reputation as leaders in digestive aid products by constantly evolving new research with cutting edge technology while offering top benefits backed by scientifically proven ingredients you can trust.











Shop Now !!  Wellbeingsg.comLazada / Shopee

Stay tuned for WellbeingSG annual sales that include our 9.9 , 10.10 , 11.11 Big Sale, 12.12 and 12.24 Christmas Sale.

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Understanding Nutritional Labels : How to Make Healthier Choices

Nutritional labels provide crucial information about the food we consume, yet many people find them confusing or overlook their importance. Understanding these labels can empower you to make healthier choices, manage your diet more effectively, and achieve your nutritional goals. This article will guide you through reading and interpreting nutritional labels to help you make informed decisions about the foods you eat.

Why Nutritional Labels Matter


  1. Informed Choices

Nutritional labels offer detailed information about the contents of food products, enabling you to choose foods that meet your dietary needs and preferences. They provide insight into calorie content, macronutrients, and essential vitamins and minerals.

  1. Dietary Management

For individuals with specific dietary restrictions or health conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, or food allergies, nutritional labels are essential for managing their diet and ensuring they avoid harmful ingredients.

  1. Portion Control

Labels help you understand serving sizes, which is crucial for portion control and managing calorie intake. This is particularly important for weight management and preventing overeating.

How to Read Nutritional Labels


  1. Serving Size and Servings Per Container

Always start by checking the serving size and the number of servings per container. The nutritional information provided on the label is based on a single serving, so it’s essential to adjust the values if you consume more than one serving.

  1. Calories

The calorie section indicates the amount of energy you’ll get from one serving. Understanding calorie content helps you manage your daily intake and maintain a healthy weight. Keep in mind that the calories listed are for one serving, so if you eat more than that, you’ll need to multiply accordingly.

  1. Macronutrients
    • Total Fat: Look at the total fat content, including the types of fat—saturated fat, trans fat, and unsaturated fat. Aim to limit saturated and trans fats as they can increase the risk of heart disease.
    • Cholesterol: High levels of dietary cholesterol can contribute to heart disease. Aim to keep your intake within recommended limits.
    • Sodium: Excessive sodium can lead to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular issues. Choose products with lower sodium content, especially if you are sensitive to salt.
    • Total Carbohydrates: This includes dietary fiber, sugars, and added sugars. High fiber content is beneficial for digestive health, while excessive added sugars should be avoided.
    • Protein: Protein is essential for building and repairing tissues. Check the protein content to ensure you’re meeting your daily requirements.
  2. Micronutrients

Nutritional labels also list key vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin D, calcium, iron, and potassium. These nutrients are vital for various bodily functions and overall health. Ensure you’re getting enough of these essential nutrients from your diet.

  1. % Daily Value (%DV)

The %DV provides a context for the nutritional content of a serving based on a 2,000-calorie diet. It helps you determine if a serving of food is high or low in a particular nutrient:

  • 5% DV or less is considered low.
  • 20% DV or more is considered high.

Use the %DV to compare products and choose those that are higher in beneficial nutrients (like fiber and vitamins) and lower in those you should limit (like saturated fat and sodium).


Practical Tips for Using Nutritional Labels


  1. Compare Products

When shopping, compare the nutritional labels of similar products. Choose options with higher fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and lower saturated fat, sodium, and added sugars.

  1. Watch Out for Serving Sizes

Be mindful of the serving size and how many servings you’re consuming. It’s easy to eat multiple servings in one sitting, especially with snacks and beverages.

  1. Limit Added Sugars

Check the labels for added sugars, which can contribute to weight gain and other health issues. Opt for products with little to no added sugars.

  1. Understand Ingredient Lists

Ingredients are listed in order of quantity, from highest to lowest. Be wary of products with long ingredient lists filled with unfamiliar or unpronounceable items, which may indicate heavily processed foods.

  1. Choose Whole Foods

Whenever possible, choose whole, unprocessed foods that don’t require nutritional labels, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains. These foods are typically more nutritious and free from additives.


Understanding nutritional labels is a powerful tool for making healthier food choices. By familiarizing yourself with the information they provide, you can better manage your diet, meet your nutritional needs, and support your overall health. Take the time to read and compare labels, and make informed decisions that align with your dietary goals. Your body will thank you for it.

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Staying Hydrated: The Essential Guide to Proper Hydration

Hydration is a fundamental aspect of maintaining good health, yet many people overlook its importance. Proper hydration is essential for various bodily functions, including temperature regulation, joint lubrication, and nutrient transport. This article provides a comprehensive guide to understanding hydration, its benefits, and practical tips for staying adequately hydrated.

Why Hydration Matters


  1. Regulates Body Temperature

Water plays a crucial role in regulating body temperature. When you’re active or in a hot environment, your body sweats to cool down. Sweat is primarily composed of water, and if you’re not adequately hydrated, your body struggles to maintain its temperature, leading to heat-related illnesses such as heat stroke.

  1. Supports Physical Performance

Proper hydration is vital for peak physical performance. Dehydration can impair strength, endurance, and overall athletic performance. Even a slight deficiency in hydration can lead to fatigue, reduced coordination, and muscle cramps.

  1. Promotes Cardiovascular Health

Adequate hydration ensures that your heart doesn’t have to work as hard to pump blood through your vessels. Dehydration decreases blood volume, making your heart work harder and increasing the risk of cardiovascular issues.

  1. Aids in Digestion and Nutrient Absorption

Water is essential for digestion and the absorption of nutrients. It helps break down food, allowing your body to absorb vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Additionally, water is necessary for forming saliva and digestive juices.

  1. Maintains Healthy Skin

Proper hydration keeps your skin hydrated and can improve its elasticity, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Dehydration can lead to dry, flaky skin and increase the risk of skin disorders.

  1. Flushes Out Toxins

Water helps flush toxins out of your body through urine and sweat. Adequate hydration supports kidney function and reduces the risk of kidney stones and urinary tract infections.

Signs of Dehydration

Recognizing the signs of dehydration is crucial to maintain proper hydration levels. Common signs include:

  • Thirst
  • Dark yellow urine
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Dry mouth and lips
  • Headache
  • Decreased urine output


How Much Water Do You Need?


The amount of water you need can vary based on factors such as age, gender, weight, activity level, and climate. A general guideline is to drink at least 8 cups (64 ounces) of water a day. However, a more tailored approach is to aim for half your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, aim to drink 75 ounces of water daily.

Tips for Staying Hydrated


  1. Carry a Water Bottle

Keep a reusable water bottle with you throughout the day. This makes it convenient to sip water regularly and monitor your intake.

  1. Set Reminders

Use smartphone apps or set alarms to remind you to drink water at regular intervals, especially if you have a busy schedule.

  1. Eat Water-Rich Foods

Incorporate fruits and vegetables with high water content into your diet. Cucumbers, watermelon, oranges, and strawberries are excellent choices to help boost your hydration.

  1. Infuse Your Water

Add natural flavors to your water by infusing it with fruits, herbs, or vegetables. This can make drinking water more enjoyable and encourage you to drink more.

  1. Monitor Your Urine Color

Keep an eye on the color of your urine. Light yellow or clear urine typically indicates proper hydration, while dark yellow suggests you need to drink more water.

  1. Drink Before You’re Thirsty

Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink water. Thirst is a late indicator of dehydration, so make a habit of drinking water regularly throughout the day.

  1. Hydrate Before, During, and After Exercise

Ensure you’re well-hydrated before starting any physical activity. Drink water during your workout and rehydrate afterward to replace lost fluids.


Proper hydration is essential for maintaining good health and optimal bodily functions. By understanding the importance of hydration and following these practical tips, you can ensure that you stay adequately hydrated. Prioritize hydration to support your physical performance, cardiovascular health, digestion, skin health, and overall well-being. Make a conscious effort to drink water regularly and listen to your body’s needs to maintain proper hydration level.

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Gut Health: Why It Matters and How to Improve It

Gut health is a term that refers to the balance of microorganisms living in your digestive tract. Maintaining the right balance of these microorganisms is essential for your physical health, mental well-being, and immune system. This article explores the importance of gut health and provides actionable tips on how to improve it.

Why Gut Health Matters


  1. Digestion and Nutrient Absorption

The primary function of the gut is to digest food and absorb nutrients. A healthy gut efficiently breaks down food and absorbs essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that your body needs to function properly. When your gut health is compromised, it can lead to malabsorption and nutrient deficiencies.

  1. Immune System Support

A significant portion of your immune system resides in your gut. The gut microbiota plays a crucial role in training your immune system to distinguish between harmless and harmful bacteria. A healthy gut helps in maintaining a strong immune system, reducing the risk of infections and diseases.

  1. Mental Health Connection

The gut-brain axis is a complex communication network that links your gut and brain. The gut produces neurotransmitters like serotonin, which influence your mood and mental well-being. An imbalance in gut bacteria can affect your mental health, potentially leading to conditions such as anxiety and depression.

  1. Preventing Chronic Diseases

Research has shown that poor gut health is linked to various chronic diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), obesity, type 2 diabetes, and even cardiovascular diseases. Maintaining a healthy gut can help in preventing these conditions and promoting overall health.


How to Improve Gut Health


  1. Eat a Diverse Range of Foods

Consuming a variety of foods can lead to a diverse microbiota, which is beneficial for gut health. Include a wide range of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your diet. Foods rich in fiber, such as beans, legumes, and whole grains, are particularly beneficial as they promote the growth of healthy bacteria.

  1. Incorporate Fermented Foods

Fermented foods are excellent sources of probiotics, which are live bacteria that can provide health benefits. Foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha can help increase the number of beneficial bacteria in your gut.

  1. Take Probiotic Supplements

Probiotic supplements can be a convenient way to boost your gut health, especially if you are unable to get enough probiotics from your diet. Look for supplements with diverse strains of bacteria to maximize their benefits.

  1. Avoid Overuse of Antibiotics

While antibiotics are necessary for treating bacterial infections, their overuse can harm your gut microbiota by killing both harmful and beneficial bacteria. Use antibiotics only when prescribed by a healthcare professional and follow their instructions carefully.

  1. Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is crucial for maintaining a healthy gut. Hydration helps with digestion and nutrient absorption, and it supports the mucosal lining of the intestines, which facilitates the growth of good bacteria.

  1. Manage Stress

Chronic stress can negatively impact your gut health by disrupting the gut microbiota and increasing intestinal permeability. Practice stress-management techniques such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, and regular physical activity to keep your stress levels in check.

  1. Get Enough Sleep

Quality sleep is essential for overall health, including gut health. Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night to support the balance of your gut microbiota and overall well-being.


Maintaining good gut health is vital for your overall health and well-being. By incorporating a diverse range of foods, fermented foods, and probiotics into your diet, staying hydrated, managing stress, avoiding unnecessary antibiotics, and getting enough sleep, you can improve your gut health and reap the numerous benefits it offers. Prioritize your gut health to enhance your digestion, strengthen your immune system, and support your mental health.

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What Supplement Is Right For You And Your Family?

The cornerstone of a healthy body is proper nutrition and daily exercise. However, there are circumstances where these may not be enough: as we age, our capability to process nutrients change as our bodies react to stress, lifestyle choices and even life-changing milestones like childbirth. Thankfully, supplements help compensate for nutrients we can’t process or require more of. Here are some supplements that make a difference at various stages of life:

Pregnancy changes the way the mother’s body utilizes its nutrients. Aside from that, mothers also need to make sure that the baby in their womb gets the proper nutrients they need to develop into strong, smart children.

Pregnancy requires mothers to keep up their supply of fatty acids such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (AA), which are responsible for the development of a baby’s brain, eyes and central nervous systems. DHA and AA are supplied by Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids, which can be found from a variety of fish, vegetables, and seeds. However, dietary restrictions can hinder a mother’s adequate intake of these foods, considering that pregnancies are also prone to other complications such as gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney problems.

According to a study published in 2012, mothers who supplement their DHA before and during pregnancy help their babies resist eczema and egg allergies. When it comes to making sure that you and your baby are covered nutritionally, consult your doctor about using supplements like Efamol Efanatal Domino (30). The fish oil formula in Efamol Efanatal Domino (30) is scientifically proven to help in the baby’s development and keeps the mother’s supply of DHA high and ready.

While life is much easier as kids, we cannot deny that school is very demanding for our children. Often, piling school work requires sacrificing a good sleep schedule, proper diet and exercise, all things important to help their still-developing brains. Sometimes, inadequate sleep, nutrition and physical activities bring behavioural problems as our kids struggle to keep up with daily life.

Giving them a leg up on concentration, memorization and a stronger immune system help ease some of the pressure. Supplements improved with eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and gamma linolenic acid (GLA), like the Efamol Efalex Brain Formula Liquid, can boost your child’s brain and eye functions and even aid in becoming mentally and emotionally healthy. Omega-3 and 6 are scientifically proven to impact mental health and behavioural conditions like ADHD, as discussed in a study published in the Global Health Journal.

Problems with concentration and memory are not limited to school children: often, working adults are even more exposed to stress, societal pressure and real-world problems. Compounded with lifestyle choices like drinking alcohol and late nights, it’s easier for adult bodies to break down and lose their natural defences. Taking supplements that can address the lack of essential fatty acids in our bodies can help offset some of the damage.

For working adults, the Efamol Efalex Brain Formula capsules are easy to take with any meal. Its special formula combines the Omega-6-rich evening primrose oil with fish oil filled with heart-healthy Omega-3 nutrients, to protect the heart from cardiovascular disease and improve memory and concentration at work or at home.

There are many things inconvenient about menopause, but hot flashes are right up there as one of the most uncomfortable. The sudden feeling of heat coming from inside the body is disruptive not only physically but socially as well. For some women, severe and frequent hot flashes affect their lives and moods greatly.

Studies have shown that a daily intake of 500mg of evening primrose oil (EPO) aids in reducing the severity and frequency of hot flashes. At the same time, EPO is also said to reduce painful PMS and breast pain linked to periods. However, not all EPO is produced the same way. You have to make sure that you’re getting the right quantity AND quality of GLAs extracted from the EPO seeds. In Efamol Pure Evening Primrose Oil, the fatty acids are extracted from a specially cultivated evening primrose seed that yields 33% more GLA.

Because of this, the Efamol Pure Evening Primrose Oil is more effective in maintaining hormonal balance, and its added Vitamin E helps protect cells from oxidative stress that cause dry skin and wrinkles. Together with Vitamin E, the GLA present in the Efamol Pure Evening Primrose Oil is great for overall skin health, great in countering acne and for eczema prevention and treatment.

Older people contend with a lot of health problems as their bodies start the natural downturn. By your 50s, your cells are breaking down at a rate faster than your body can build, which leads to a less active lifestyle and problems with memory and nerve functions. A good, healthy diet and non-sedentary lifestyle of course help, but often, even healthy habits need a boost.

Gingko Balboa is known to improve memory and partnered with important Omega-3 nutrients, it can give new life to elder family members. Omega-3 is famously good for the heart, but did you know that it is also important for proper brain function? The nutrients that the body makes from Omega-3 fatty acids are vital building blocks for the brain, allowing nerves to smoothly communicate. Efamol Efalex Active 50+ makes use of only the quality Omega-3-rich fish oil with Gingko Balboa, folic acid and Vitamin B12 to create a supplement that helps bring the brain to its peak performance.

While supplements are not magical pills that can rid you of any illness, they greatly help in maintaining a healthy and active body. Together with daily exercise and proper nutrition, supplements can create a great difference in your life.

1 Palmer D J, Sullivan T, Gold M S, Prescott S L, Heddle R, Gibson R A et al. Effect of n-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation in pregnancy on infants’ allergies in first year of life: randomised controlled trial BMJ 2012; 344: e184
2 Lange, K. (2020, March 19). Omega-3 fatty acids and mental health. Retrieved January 08, 2021, from
3 Farzaneh, F., Fatehi, S., Sohrabi, MR. et al. The effect of oral evening primrose oil on menopausal hot flashes: a randomized clinical trial. Arch Gynecol Obstet 288, 1075–1079 (2013).

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6 Foods That Cause Anxiety and 6 Ways to Reduce It Naturally

Everybody experiences anxiety: it is a normal coping mechanism for the human body. Whether it’s worrying before a test or a job interview or hand-wringing over the state of the world, anxiety is our body’s triggered alert system, warning us of impending danger.

However, we were not meant to experience anxiety every day. Being on constant high alert wears our body down more easily, like using fuel reserves meant for emergencies as a substitute for normal power. When anxiety ends up interfering with our daily lives and relationships, it’s not normal anymore.

While Singapore is geographically protected from natural disasters and has an economic advantage compared to its neighbouring countries, 10% of the population still suffers from an anxiety disorder. There are many triggers for anxiety, but one that we can control is the food we eat.

Some foods are more likely to trigger anxiety. The most common culprits are:

Our bodies use sugar for quick boosts of energy, but if there’s too much of it, the energy will have nowhere to go but into overthinking and anxiety. At the same time, sugar is highly inflammatory, which is okay if you’re fighting against infection and disease, but having chronic low-level inflammation contributes to heart disease, diabetes and even depression. Sugar and processed foods can trigger pro-inflammatory messengers like cytokine, which is linked to anxiety and other mental disorders.

Ever get the shakes after too much coffee? While caffeine is helpful in keeping us awake, it stimulates the flight or fight response, keeping us on high alert. Add that to low-level anxiety and it becomes a recipe for sweating, a discomforting feeling of dread, and a palpitating heartbeat.

For those with celiac disease and intolerance of gluten, grains and bread can trigger an anxious episode. Anxiety is one of the symptoms of celiac disease and gluten allergy.

Artificial flavouring helps keep groceries for longer and helps recreate texture, taste and colour, but it also dumps a lot of chemicals in our diets. Transfat, MSG and aspartame are some of the most common artificial additives and they can trigger inflammation and anxiety.

Vegetable oil is high in Omega-6 fatty acids, which we need to help bad cholesterol, but overprocessing can break down the natural benefits of this nutrient, and can even become harmful in high doses. Processed vegetable oil that is pale and highly refined is no different from common cooking oil and is not that effective.

Red meats can be healthy but if they are pumped with hormones, antibiotics and fed with grain instead of their natural foods, it can become a hotbed of pro-inflammatory nutrients that can trigger anxiety.

Dealing with anxiety disorder requires a multistep approach. While medicine and therapy help in coping with anxiety, it will be much more effective if you’re working with a healthy body. Here are some ways to help your body deal with anxiety:

First, you need to avoid foods that trigger inflammation. This means substituting sugar and processed foods, as well as other trigger foods listed above, with healthier alternatives. Leafy greens, non-starchy vegetables, spices such as ginger, turmeric, rosemary, cinnamon and low glycemic index fruits such as berries and lemon can fulfill the nutrients we need without having to turn to highly processed meals. For proteins and healthy fats, turn to avocados, coconut oil, butter and clean proteins such as grass-fed beef, pasture-raised poultry, wild-caught fish and game for a healthier and more sustainable diet. Also good are nuts, seeds and fermented foods.

While foods that trigger our allergies are an obvious no on our grocery lists, foods that trigger our sensitivities are harder to pinpoint, especially because symptoms are often delayed in onset. The most common sensitivities are to milk and dairy, wheat and gluten, corn, eggs and sugar. If you’re sensitive to these foods, you’re likely to experience bloating, tiredness, weight gain and a persistent low mood. If you cannot avoid these foods or if you didn’t know that you’re sensitive to them, take enzymes like Digest Spectrum to ease symptoms.

It’s no surprise that good sleep can help us battle anxiety, but even getting a good night’s rest is a challenge if our days are filled with stress. Make sure to set a routine to get yourself ready for bed and practice relaxing activities like meditation, painting or listening to music to prime your body for rest.

The connection between our brains and stomachs is established in the gut-brain axis, and a fine balance of our unique gut flora contributes greatly to our moods. Make sure that your intestinal ecosystem of good and bad bacteria are doing okay by introducing prebiotic and probiotic foods in your diet, and supplement your intake with the right combination of probiotics present in ActivHealth Multibiotics Mind and Active.

Nothing beats exercise when it comes to stimulating your body into working properly. A simple walk around the neighbourhood in the morning does a lot of good: It promotes exercise and movement, primes you to take on the day, and it gives you a chance to absorb sunshine which is high in Vitamin D.

While most of the nutrients that our body needs can be found in the food we eat, we still need some help from supplements to fill in the gaps. For anxiety, best supplement your diet with anti-inflammatory supplements like Wileys Peak EPA. You can also gain more benefits by partnering it with Efalex for Omega 3 DHA that is good for better cognition, magnesium and calcium for nerve and muscle relaxation, and zinc and B complex as supporting minerals.

Find these supplements today at

A preliminary report: the role of omega-3 fatty acids in the management of Singaporean children with
Autism Spectrum Disorders. Weng Shih Jen, Ooi Yoon Phaik, Sung Min, Lambert Low, Jacqueline Seah, Jade Jang, Rebecca Ang, Alvin Liew, Lim Choon Guan, Sarah Teo, Koh Shiyun, Daniel Fung, Ooi et al, European J of Clinic Nutrition 25 Mar 2015
Psychotropic Effects of PS128 (Lactobacillus Plantarum) in early life stress and naïve adult mice. Yen Wen Liu et al, Elservier , Science Direct 2016
PS128 allevate symptoms of ASD in Taiwanese children, Randomised double blind placebo trial, Yen Wen Liu et al 2019
Yang,B, Wei,J et al Effects of regulating intestinal microbiota on anxiety symptoms: A systemic review, Gen Psychiatry, 2019 May 17;32(2)PMID;2063689
Nutritional Strategies to ease anxiety, Havard Health Publishing
Foods to avoid if you have anxiety or depression, WebMD
Boyle,NB, et al The Effects of magnesium supplementation on subjective anxiety and Stress – a systematic review
Nutrients 2017 May;9(5): 429.PMID:28445426
Aylett E et al Exercise in the treatment of clinical anxiety in general practice – a systematic review and meta-analysis
BMC Health Serv Res.2018;18 (1):559
Garcia-Escrivà et al. Real Invest Demenc 2014;56:21-29

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Start The New Year with Healthy Gut Healthy Mind

The time has once again come for “New Year, New Me”!

As we tackle the new year ahead and return to work and school, it’s important to keep our health and mental wellness in check in the midst of our hectic schedules. At the same time, indulging in our new year celebrations during this time of the year can also give rise to gut troubles such as indigestion, bloating, and other digestive problems. Now is the perfect time to take a step back and assess the state of your gut and mental health, and to renew it if necessary.

Why Is Physical Wellness So Important?

Achieving physical wellness is one of the most important things you can achieve for your overall health. With physical wellness, you are able to do more things that you enjoy, which ultimately allows you to have a better quality of life. That being said, your gut flora, and consequently gut health, is the cornerstone of your physical wellness and overall health. It helps your body in the following ways:

  • Digest the food you eat,
  • Absorb the nutrients,
  • Utilise these nutrients to maintain and power your body!

Having good gut health also maintains a strong immune system, which is vital in maintaining good overall health. A good immune system prevents a variety of problems, such as inflammation, chronic diseases, and chronic fatigue. Without a strong immune system, people consequently encounter symptoms including dizziness, brain fog, constipation, and gassiness, to name a few. If you’re currently noticing signs of poor gut health and are looking to improve it, it is vital to take action to renew your gut health. One way you can do this is to incorporate certain health supplements into your lifestyle!

For instance, our Multibiotics Active PS128 & K21 improves gut flora, immune system development, and bolsters our mental wellbeing and mobility. Taking Multibiotics Active will also relieve stress and anxiety, and improve your overall sleep quality.

Alternatively, consider opting for Enzymedica Digest to reduce your digestive discomfort and maximise your nutrition. The digestive supplement contains an optimal balance of enzymes which aids in complete digestion and ultimately helps you achieve a healthy and active gut. The enzymes in Digest function throughout the entire digestive system thanks to Thera-blendTM, enhancing your health benefits through a single supplement.

How About Mental Wellness?

Good mental health is essential to leading a happy life – it affects how you are able to function psychologically, emotionally and socially on a daily basis.

The benefits of having good mental health are plenty. It includes being able to deal with life’s challenges, maintaining physical health, having the ability to sustain fulfilling interpersonal connections, being effective at work, and reaching your full potential. This is especially important for growing children and teens, where good mental health will provide them with the resilience and ability to cope with life’s obstacles, which is a vital skill to be brought into adulthood. Increase and regulate your levels of dopamine and serotonin in your brain with ActivHealth’s Multibiotics Mind PS128. By lessening depression-like behaviors and reducing overall stress and anxiety, you can look forward to having a happier overall disposition in your daily life. On top of that, these multibiotics also alleviates irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) which also aids in maintaining a healthy gut.

The Bottom Line

Gut health and mental wellbeing are highly important aspects that every individual should consider, especially now as we step into the new year. As both of these have a great impact on overall health, start taking steps today to boost your gut health and mental wellness today!

Want to learn more about your physical and mental health together with ActivHealth? Sign up for our monthly newsletter, where we share more tips to help you on your journey to become a healthier and happier you.



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Two Supplements That Can Help You Optimize Your Health

When you’re a 20-something with your whole life in front of you, it’s easy to feel invincible. Young adults tend to push themselves to the limit: working hard, playing harder, and for some, partying hardest. However, running your body too hard too quickly has a comeuppance. Pushing yourself to your limit can open up your body to diseases, later on, so even though you think you’re healthy now, it’s best to arm yourself with supplements as early as possible. Supplements carry a stigma that they are only for the sick, pregnant, or heavily exercising.

However, supplements are helpful even when you’re at the peak of your youth. Now more than ever, the world is understanding the importance of a robust immune system and a healthy lifestyle. Here are two particular supplements that can change the trajectory of how you take care of yourself.

As humans, we primarily get the energy we need from our food. But also as humans, we have learned to take enjoyment from eating, which means that overindulging has become a norm and obesity has become one of the leading causes of heart diseases. While we should be careful of what we eat, helping our stomach break down food can make a huge difference. Enzymes are responsible for cutting up food in our stomach so they can be absorbed in our bodies, and though naturally occurring, we also gain natural enzymes from both animal and plant-based food.

However, as we age, enzyme production in our bodies slows and the food that is not broken down properly becomes a cause for indigestion, bloating, and bowel irregularities. It also means that we are not getting the full nutrition from the food we eat, especially when cooking food lessens the enzymes we naturally get from them. By taking enzyme supplements, we help our stomachs deal with big meals and the occasional cheat-day junk food. Aside from that, studies have also shown that digestive enzymes help ease Irritable Bowel Syndrome, some cases of muscle soreness following exercise, and some symptoms of arthritis.

Not all enzyme formulas are equal though. While adverse effects of digestive enzymes are minimal even when you consume a lot of it, some may still trigger side effects such as diarrhea, vomiting, and allergies. Some enzyme formulas in the market also rely on animal-based supplements which are not advisable for vegans and those with dairy or gluten allergies. Thankfully, Enzymedica Digest can rigorously break down fat, protein, fiber, and carbohydrates as a vegan and kosher supplement, and it is dairy and gluten-free. With its patent Thera-blend technology, Enzymedica Digest also works for a wider range of audiences, regardless of the pH levels found in your digestive system. This means that the enzymes in Enzymedica Digest will not break down even if you have an acidic or basic digestive system, allowing it to work 6 times faster and 3 times more effective than other supplements.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death globally. The key to a healthy lifestyle is a healthy heart, which is why cardio exercises and heart-healthy foods like fish are recommended for anybody who is health-conscious. But fish and its piscine taste may not be for everybody, and unless you’re willing to consume a huge amount of it, the Omega-3 fatty acids are best supplemented by fish oil. Because our bodies can only produce a small amount of Omega-3 fatty acids, we look for it in the food we eat in order to regulate the inflammation of our blood vessels and reduce plaque in the heart. However, a lot of the nutrients that we are supposed to consume are lost in the cooking and digestion of our food. To make sure we get the right amount of Omega-3, fish oil has become a popular choice to supplement the essential fatty acids needed for a healthier lifestyle, not only for those with heart disease but also for active individuals who need to take care of their hearts.

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in particular are important to help lower blood pressure and support circulation. But many fish oil supplements in the market today do not meet the required daily intake (RDI) of EPA in your diet. They also often come with a fishy and unpleasant aftertaste. Good thing that there are formulations now that lessen the fishy burps while supplying the right amount of EPA that you need. Wiley’s Finest Alaskan Fish Oil Peak EPA is specially formulated to reduce or eliminate fishy burps altogether. Made from a single species and responsibly caught Wild Alaskan Pollock, these soft gel capsules are tested and certified by NSF International, an independent body that regularly tests food, water, and consumer products for high standards. Each gel capsule also contains 750 mg of EPA to make sure that you get the full benefit of your EPA RDI. Of course regular exercise and eating right can help build your stamina and take care of your body better. Add to that two supplements and you can enjoy a better work-life balance, optimizing your energy for things that matter to you. Find them both at

Carbone S, Canada JM, Billingsley HE, Siddiqui MS, Elagizi A, Lavie CJ. Obesity paradox in cardiovascular disease: where do we stand?. Vasc Health Risk Manag. 2019;15:89-100. Retrieved June 16, 2020,
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Vuppala KK, Majeed M, Kumar AS, Majeed S, Vaidyanathan P (2016) Multi-Enzyme Complex for the Management of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness after Eccentric Exercise: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study. Sports Nutr Ther 1: 113. DOI: 10.4172/2473-6449.1000113. Retrieved June 16, 2020, from
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Culloch, M., M.S., R.D. 12 Benefits of Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA). Published September 23, 2018. Retrieved June 17, 2020, from,

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How Important Are Multibiotics In Your Everyday Life?

When it comes to bacteria, most people’s first reaction is that it is bad for your health. However, did you know that not all kinds of bacteria are bad for you?

Our bodies are wonderfully complex, and inside our guts is a whole ecology of “germs” that greatly influence our health. The “good” ones are called probiotics, prebiotics, and psychobiotics, and in this article, we are discussing what they do for our bodies and why it’s important to keep them replenished and thriving:

In our digestive systems, probiotics live in complex communities of microorganisms in what is almost a whole other organ when it comes to helping our metabolism. Known as the gut flora or microflora, they are made of live bacteria responsible for regulating our digestion and providing us with vital vitamins and minerals. The “good” bacteria in the gut flora are called probiotics.

Probiotics have different strains (1), with Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium as the two main ones. We find them when we eat probiotic foods like yoghurt and kimchi. However, it’s also possible to lose the balance of good bacteria when we have to take antibiotics. This can lead to diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, or other stomach-related illnesses.

But beyond helping us with digestion, probiotics also help lower cholesterol, enhance our immune systems, facilitate weight loss, and even improve skin against disorders and allergies (2). Making sure that we have the right balance of probiotics in our gut flora means that we are stronger against diseases and we are getting the right nourishment.

In order for probiotics to thrive and do its job, it needs prebiotics. Prebiotics are mostly fibre that human beings cannot digest, and they serve as the probiotics’ food. (3)

Because the gut flora is heavily reliant on our diets, it’s important that we feed the right kind of bacteria in our digestive systems. High-sugar and high-fat diets tend to be more beneficial to the “bad” bacteria, causing them to tip over the balance of the gut flora and overgrow. This can lead to obesity, higher risk of stroke and heart attack, and even cancer. (4)

Studies have shown that depression and other mental health issues may be connected to the proliferation of bad bacteria in the gut. In a study published in Trends In Neurosciences in 2016 (5), the idea of psychobiotics is expanded to include prebiotics, as opposed to just probiotics, as responsible for positively manipulating moods and alleviating depression, easing stress-related impact and managing insomnia.

More importantly, a study conducted at the National Yang-Ming University in Taiwan has identified a particular psychobiotic strain that has demonstrated an increase in the production of dopamine and serotonin levels. Psychobiotic PS128 is found to bridge the communication in our gut-axis better, allowing us to cope with stress by triggering a higher production of dopamine and serotonin, also known as the “happy” hormones. (6)

Psychobiotics aid in controlling the hormones in our brains that deal directly with moods and mental health. It helps in concentration and memory retention, as well as in promoting sleep and proper rest.

Synbiotics can be easily found in many food sources, though our fast-paced modern lifestyle sometimes does not account for the right amount in favour of quick, easily accessible but inevitably less nutritious food. Fulfil the right ratio of synbiotics in your diet by taking supplements that focus on your body and lifestyle needs.

To improve digestion and boost overall health, ActivKids Synbiotics makes for the easiest-to-take synbiotic vitamins. These convenient vitamins come in yummy bear form with three flavours: vanilla, orange and strawberry. Each yummy bear is filled with important prebiotic and probiotic strains that help improve digestion and immunity.

For those looking for clinically proven synbiotics, Multibiotics Active and Multibiotics Mind provide synbiotics with the Psychobiotic PS128 that you need to perform tasks better and improve mental health tenacity. Multibiotics Active is also supported with added Metabolic biotic K21 which helps fight inflammation, daytime fatigue and fat accumulation. At the same time, Multibiotics Mind contains Phosphatidylserine which helps improve memory and boosts concentration.

Shop now for your synbiotic and other supplement needs at

Probiotics: What You Need To Know. (2019, August). Retrieved August 24, 2020, from
Gunnars, K. (2018, November 13). Probiotics 101: A Simple Beginner’s Guide. Retrieved August 24, 2020, from
Lewis, S. (2017, June 03). Probiotics and Prebiotics: What’s the Difference? Retrieved August 24, 2020, from
Park, S. H., Kangwan, N., Park, J. M., Kim, E. H., & Hahm, K. B. (2013). Non-microbial approach for Helicobacter pylori as faster track to prevent gastric cancer than simple eradication. World journal of gastroenterology, 19(47), 8986–8995.
Sarkar, A., Lehto, S. M., Harty, S., Dinan, T. G., Cryan, J. F., & Burnet, P. (2016). Psychobiotics and the Manipulation of Bacteria-Gut-Brain Signals. Trends in neurosciences, 39(11), 763–781.
Liu, W. , Chuang, H. , Huang, Y. , Wu, C. , Chou, G. , Wang, S. , & Tsai, Y. (2015). Alteration of behavior and monoamine levels attributable to Lactobacillus plantarum PS128 in germ-free mice. Behavioural Brain Research, 298 . doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2015.10.046

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3 Reasons To Supplement Your Child’s DHA Needs

Many products on supermarket shelves now boast of containing Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and Arachidonic Acid (AA) in their formulations, but what do these abbreviations mean?

All of these letters signify essential fatty acids that our brains need for development. DHA is short for docosahexaenoic acid, the most abundant fatty acid in our brains. Together with EPA and AA, these fatty acids play important roles in the functions of our brains, eyes and nervous systems. EPA and AA help transport messages through our nerves, while DHA is responsible for many regulatory and building functions in our bodies, some of which are highlighted below.

According to a study published by the U.S. National Institute of Health, DHA helps improve the memory functions of healthy young adults. The study landmarks the first time significant positive results are seen in the general population, thanks to the findings of serious improvement in working and long-term memories in men and women.

For men, short-term memory, like remembering phone numbers and carrying out complex tasks, improved greatly, while Women showed better signs of improvement when it comes to retaining long-term memories like dates and occasions.

It’s not just adults though. For children, DHA is important because it aids their still-developing brains, eyes and nervous systems. But also, a study has shown that DHA helps children sleep an extra good full hour.

Sleep is important in children because it is the time when their brains can process the things they learned in their waking hours, and their rapidly developing bodies can catch up. Without good quality sleep, children tend to slow their development, physically, mentally, and socially.

Having an abundant supply of DHA in their brains shows that children experience fewer sleep disturbances, even if they have clinical-level sleep problems. The double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study also reported a full 58-minute addition to the children’s average sleep time, with fewer wake episodes and night wakings.

DHA not only helps physical development, but it also impacts mood and mental health.

National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) published a study that shows a direct link between DHA and reduced risk of depression. In another study that is randomized and placebo-controlled, it also greatly reduces aggression and impulsivity. This study showed a significant change in healthy young males in terms of their proclivity to violence toward another person, as well as a huge jump to lesser impulsivity from otherwise aggressive individuals once they are put on a DHA-supplemented diet.

DHA is also said to help in managing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), helping children decrease their attention problems by at least 15%.

Our bodies cannot make these key essential fatty acids, so ensure that you and your child are getting adequate amounts, make sure to take Efamol Efalex Brain Formula Capsules.

Free from sugar, gluten, milk derivatives, and artificial colours and flavours, Efalex is an advanced combination of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids that make sure that your brain gets all the nutrients it needs.

Welma Stonehouse, Cathryn A Conlon, John Podd, Stephen R Hill, Anne M Minihane, Crystal Haskell, David Kennedy, DHA supplementation improved both memory and reaction time in healthy young adults: a randomized controlled trial, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 97, Issue 5, May 2013, Pages 1134–1143,
University of Oxford. (2014, March 6). Higher levels of omega-3 in diet are associated with better sleep, study shows. ScienceDaily. Retrieved April 15, 2020 from
Ginty, A., Muldoon, M., Kuan, D., Schirda, B., Kamarck, T., Jennings, J., Manuck, S. and Gianaros, P., 2020. Omega-3 Supplementation And The Neural Correlates Of Negative Affect And Impulsivity.