Purefit Chocolate Brownie Protein Bar
Purefit Chocolate Brownie Protein Bar – For many of us, our first love is chocolate. It was that special treat as a child, was always part of birthday celebrations, then later was something we gave and received on Valentine’s Day. But chocolate also has a dark, painful side: it melts. When we created our Chocolate Brownie Protein Bars, we summoned up those feelings of despair when our chocolate was tragically destroyed by heat, and vowed we’d take the pain out of chocolate. Go for a run on an active volcano, ride your bike on a road coated with aluminum foil or glue the bar to the hood of your car on a drive through the desert — it won’t melt. It’ll not only be intact and ready to eat, but will taste like fresh-from-the-oven brownies.
Dear PureFit Enthusiast
They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but as anyone who has ever loved an older dog can attest — that’s simply not true.” This saying rings true not just for our beloved dogs but also for businesses and innovations. When PureFit Nutrition Bars was founded over two decades ago, it embarked on a journey that revolutionized the nutrition industry with the introduction of the 40/30/30 approach, also known as the Zone Diet, applied to gluten-free nutrition bars. This groundbreaking move, initiated in 2001 with the launch of our first PureFit Nutrition Bars, marked the beginning of a transformative journey that has since left a permanent mark on the health and wellness sector.